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5 Important Tips For A Healthier Ramadan

For Muslims, Ramadan is a time of fasting and observation. For many people, it can also be a time of overindulgence and nutritional imbalances. For this unique month, consider these 5 crucial tips. Because you can only eat and drink during Ramadan between dawn and dusk, you run the danger of becoming dehydrated. Also, since most people who are fasting rise early to have their suhoor , lack of sleep and dehydration can result in headaches. A wonderful opportunity to fully immerse oneself in the rich Islamic tradition is to spend the entire month of Ramadan in the UAE. The normally fast-paced nation is calmer than usual because of the sacred experience of reflection, worship, and self-improvement.

1) Never skip suhoor: You will occasionally feel the need to sleep. But never give up! Your body would have to go longer without meals if Suhoor is missed. Dehydration and weariness could arise from this. Include complex carbohydrates like beans, granolas, lentils, oatmeal, rice, potatoes along with low fat dairy products like labneh. It is also recommended to add unsaturated fats like unsalted nuts, avacadoes, salmons etc.

2) Drink plenty of water and hydrating food: Your body can regain the water it lost during the fast by consuming additional water, liquids, and hydrating foods. Add fruits like oranges and watermelon, or prepare salads with fresh vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and more greens. Avoid carbonated and sugary beverages.

3) Eat a healthy and balanced iftar: start by breaking your fast with dates.  Dates are a great source of dietary fiber. Choose whole grains, which give the body fiber and energy. To receive a substantial serving of nutritious protein, eat skinless chicken, fish, or lean meat that has been baked or grilled. Avoid processed and fried foods that are heavy in fat or sugar in general. By eating slowly, you can enjoy your food without overindulging.

4) Keep moving: Despite the fact that fasting can be physically tiring, try to maintain some level of activity. If you usually exercise in the morning, try switching to evening exercise after breaking your fast to see how your body reacts. Exercise that requires a lot of energy is not recommended throughout the day because it can promote rapid dehydration. Start small like a few stretches or short, simple walks will help you maintain your energy level throughout the day.

5) Avoid sugary food: In addition to causing bloating and a delay in digestion, eating sweets just after iftar will change your blood sugar levels, which will make you need more sweets. Because of this, it is advised not to consume sweets after breaking your fast, instead you can opt for healthy chocolates that can satisfy your cravings without the bad effect.

 In conclusion, Ramadan is a beautiful and deeply spiritual month for Muslims. The five key tips for maintaining good health must be kept in mind. Shop from Munchbox to stock up your pantry to make sure healthy snacks are within your reach. What is the one tip you would give us for this Ramadan? Leave them in the comments down below.

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