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Granola Bars: The Perfect Guilt Free Snack

All of a sudden, granola bars seem to be the topic of conversation. For those who eat a healthy diet or take their fitness seriously, they appear to be a healthy alternative. But today we will talk about the health benefits, what they contain and how to make these.

Granola bars are regarded for being excellent energy boosters and are often made of rolled oats, honey, and dry fruits. A crunchy granola bar is best consumed as a convenient breakfast choice or after a wholesome workout. Granola bars are steadily gaining popularity, particularly among working people, adventure seekers, and anybody seeking a quick but delectable pick-me-up. With regard to perks, Granola Bar is packed to the brim with vitamins, minerals, and all the energy you require to keep you up and moving throughout the day without wearing you out.

How are they good for us?

1- Reduces cholesterol: contains soluble fires that helps in lowering the LDL (harmful cholesterol) in our body.

2- Boosts energy: they do not contain any sugar that might make you sluggish. Instead they are a concentrated form of energy that contains low fat and calories. A granola bar stimulates the tissues and the body's supply of resources.

3- Prevents anemia: granola bars are a source of iron and helps keeping you energized. Things like fatigue or low energy levels are the main culprits of anemia.

4- Helps increase cognitive activities: Granola bars have a low sodium content and a high potassium content, which makes them excellent for lowering blood pressure. Along with the rest of the body, it also improves the flow of healthy blood and oxygen to the brain. This indicates that the granola bar's added energy will help your brain function more quickly and efficiently.

5- Helps to lose weight: Granola bars are beneficial for weight loss and also have a low sodium content, which curbs hunger and makes you feel fuller for longer, causing you to eat less. Granola bars work to combat both cholesterol and sodium, two key contributors to obesity.

Here is a simple recipe to make delicious and healthy granola bars:

All you need are some healthy granolas with the flavor of your choice, nut butters, dates or nuts.

Start by combining your granola with some nut butter till you get a stiff consistency, flatten them out on a baking sheet with about 1 cm in height. You can either freeze it this way or go one step ahead and garnish them with pieces of dry fruits, nuts or even bits of dates. Cut them up in to your preferred size and freeze them overnight. And tadaah! you have some fresh healthy and yummy granola bars to munch on. Store them in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

Granola contains high protein ingredients like almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame, Hemp seeds etc. they prolong your digestion and thus puts them in the healthy category.

What different ways do you consume your granolas in? let us know in the comment section below. Make sure to check out our website for more healthy products.

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