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Surviving Valentine's Day With Your Diet Intact Through Healthy Snacking

If Valentine's Day is all about showing our loved ones how much we care, the best place to start is by expressing that love to yourself. We frequently fail to properly nourish our bodies because we take them for granted. So why not commit to start exercising a little self-love on Valentine's Day by making simple but crucial dietary changes? Besides, It’s not fun to give up on your new year’s resolutions this early. Since the cupid season is right around the corner, here are a few tips and easy recipe to have a healthy valentine’s day.

  1. Meal modifications are key: feel free to tweak up recipes, so that you can change up ingredients that do not align with your diet. Starting with bread baskets, opt for more keto friendly breads that are not loaded on carbs. This way you can eat without any guilt. Similarly, while baking for your loved ones try to substitute multipurpose flour with healthier options like almond flour or coconut flour.
  2. Don’t deprive yourself from chocolates: While a box of heart-shaped chocolates might be the traditional Valentine's Day gift, there are other ways to satisfy your chocolate craving without messing up your diet. Opt for keto-friendly chocolates or dark chocolates. It is also wise to make those delicious brownies with sugar free- dark chocolate.
  3. Go for the rainbow: a wide variety of colorful fruits and veggies may not seem as boring as you think. You can step up your game by thinking outside the box and making a charcuterie board with your favorite veggies and having different dips in between them, like nut butter, berry computes or even some good’ol ranch dressing.
  4. Spread the love: if you truly care for your partner, their health is also your priority. Gift them a meaningful healthy basket that you can make with their favourite snacks like chocolates, chips, brownies, cupcakes or cookies. Treat them to a cozy and memorable eve with some popcorn and classic rom-com movies.
  5. Make wise choices: ofcourse if dining out is what you are all about, make wise choices by planning ahead by researching for restaurants that does not completely throw you out of diet. Look for plant based dishes, or meats that are grilled or baked. Try to stay away from fried foods and sugary entrees. Make sure to also keep your portion size in check.

A tried-and-true approach to show your love is to prepare a beautiful meal for your partner, be it a 3 course meal or something small like a dessert. Even though making reservations at a special place may be your practice, set a challenge for yourself to try something new this year by making something homemade with love.

Shop from our website for your favorite healthy snacks. They make for the perfect gift for you or your loved ones. Let us know of your go-to valentine’s day treat in the comments down below.

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